Thursday, July 24, 2008

Intarview tiem with Sakuya!

So I've been recruited as a writer for the Kongremajiggy thingy blog. >->; Pleasure, the name's Dragily, and I'm starting off with an interview of Sakuya, one of our mods. ^^ It was a bit short--we had to deal with a few trolls directly in the middle of it, so it was a bit troublesome, but it should provide with some good insight as to who Saku is. ^^ Anyway, enjoy~ Also, note that the breaks in the text are where completely new questions are asked.

[11:05:17] Dragily: Intarview tiem! XOOO
[11:05:23] Dragily: *wavewave*
[11:05:23] Sakuya: whoo
[11:05:25] Dragily: Saku! :D
[11:05:28] Dragily: Sakusaku! :DD
[11:05:30] Sakuya: Hi hi.

[11:05:35] Dragily: *points* What's your favorite game on Kongregate?
[11:06:58] Sakuya: Uh.... Wow. That's a tough one... Surpisingly, I don't have 1 favorite. I enjoy Platform Racing 2, Pieces, and you can't forget ELEPHANT RAVE. I mostly like Elephant rave for the music.
[11:07:14] Dragily: And because it's about elephants.
[11:07:15] Dragily: Who are awesome.
[11:07:17] Dragily: >->
[11:07:21] Sakuya: Well duh!
[11:07:27] Dragily: Marh says that Marh sent me?
[11:07:40] Dragily: >->;;; This is silleh to put in the middle of an interview, but that's okay! :D
[11:07:45] Sakuya: lol
[11:07:57] Dragily: Okayokay. So.

[11:08:03] Dragily: Who would you consider friends?
[11:08:07] Dragily: Marh gave me weird questions. >->;
[11:08:11] Dragily: I guess that means that it's on Kong.
[11:08:12] Dragily: Probably.
[11:08:32] Sakuya: just ask :P
[11:08:41] Dragily: That was the question. xD
[11:08:47] Dragily: Who would you consider your best friends?
[11:08:52] Dragily: ((On Kong, probably.))
[11:10:35] Sakuya: Hm.... Wow. I can't just choose one! I have to say.... ahhhh *headdesk* ModFriend! Ya. That's who. (I seriously can't pick one :P)
[11:10:46] Dragily: Which is probably better.
[11:10:59] Dragily: Can't you just imagine..."Saku, why aren't IIIII your best friiiiend?? XOO"
[11:11:11] Sakuya: I know.
[11:11:26] Dragily: what rooms do you normally hang in?
[11:12:10] Sakuya: Cafe Kong(Of course. That's where I started!), Hall Of Odin, Lust, The Bleachers, The Gibson, Zero Axis.

[11:12:30] Dragily: And...your favorite things about Kong?
[11:12:58] Sakuya: The Community. Even with the Trolls and stuff, it's still rather enjoyable.
[11:13:26] Dragily: It's what makes the site, huh.

[11:13:50] Dragily: Have you any hobbies outside of Kong?
[11:15:32] Sakuya: Sure do. I'm in love with Sports. Every year, I do atleast 4-5 sports. Cheerleading, dance, soccer, golf, and, if I am able to get out to do this, ski.
[11:15:52] Dragily: :D And this is me throwing away the little questions that Marh sent.
[11:15:58] Dragily: Which is your favorite one?
[11:16:18] Sakuya: Haha. Dance or ski. I've done them since I was 5. =P
[11:16:51] Dragily: Have any particular preferences in either?
[11:17:10] Sakuya: (huh?)
[11:17:29] Dragily: you like a certain kind of dance?
[11:17:34] Sakuya: Oh.
[11:17:37] Dragily: And do you have a preferred kind of skiing?
[11:17:40] Dragily: ((If there is one? XD))
[11:17:44] Dragily: ((Not that I would know?))
[11:18:02] Sakuya: For Dance, I do Jazz, Lyrical, and Hip hop, although I've done tap, and I wanna learn ballroom like cha cha or ramba or waltz.
[11:18:12] Dragily: Yum. :D
[11:18:12] Sakuya: I prefer down hill skiing. Cross Country is.. BORNING.
[11:18:14] Sakuya: BORING*
[11:18:16] Dragily: You should take up the waaaltz.
[11:18:30] Dragily: But then again, that's just me. ^^
[11:18:39] Sakuya: I want to.
[11:18:48] Dragily: Waltz ftw. :33
[11:18:58] Dragily: Anyway, back to more...Kong-related questions...

[11:19:05] Dragily: Where'd Sakuya come from?
[11:20:14] Sakuya: Ugh. This Question. I was on an anime/graphics forum and I was gonna be joining a Naruto forum, so I wanted a new name besides Ani-Chan or AnimeLover100. I looked around on the internet, and found a picture of an anime girl in a bikini, and I liked the name that was next to it, which was Sakuya. It just stuck.
[11:20:53] Dragily: Sorry. Not my fault. xO *points at Marh*
[11:20:59] Sakuya: It's okay :P
[11:21:38] Dragily: Interesting, then. Do you watch any anime?
[11:21:52] Dragily: Like...regularly?
[11:22:50] Sakuya: Not recently.
[11:23:19] Dragily: That's too bad. ^^
[11:23:43] Dragily: Do you watch any interesting shows, then?
[11:24:48] Sakuya: I find myself watching MythBusters, Deadliest Catch, and just other shoes like that =P
[11:25:19] Dragily: Hm...wait, what are they about, now?
[11:25:44] Sakuya: Mythbusters wel...they bust myths! :P
[11:26:28] Dragily: Like what?
[11:26:29] Dragily: o-o
[11:26:36] Sakuya: Deadliest catch is people going on boats in Alaska for King Crab
[11:27:46] Dragily: Crab?
[11:27:51] Dragily: See, that's an awesome show. xD
[11:29:23] Dragily: Care you for other sorts of fish?
[11:29:25] Dragily: :D
[11:30:05] Sakuya: huh?
[11:30:32] Dragily: Fish. :D Do you like any?
[11:32:11] Sakuya: The only fish I've had is Alaskan Salmon :P
[11:32:39] Dragily: Do you liiike it? :D
[11:33:07] Sakuya: it tasted like Ham O.o
[11:34:02] Dragily: o_o;
[11:34:05] Dragily: Strange. >->;
[11:35:08] Sakuya: The only other "fish" I had was a crawfish, but it was fresh water :P and it's not a fish. It's like al little lobster XD
[11:35:18] Dragily: :D Seafood of any sort is gooood. <3
[11:35:59] Sakuya: lol
[11:36:50] Dragily: Well okay. Now that certain...things are taken care of.
[11:36:53] Dragily: Back to intarview!

[11:37:01] Dragily: Do you have any advice for anyone who wants to be a mod?
[11:37:42] Sakuya: Hm. Don't ask to be one, be on here for like 5+ months.... And don't be stupid! XD
[11:38:16] Dragily: Yay common sense. ^~^
[11:38:35] Dragily: *whispers* You don't need to be here for any specified period of time, btw.
[11:39:49] Dragily: there one thing in Kong that you're looking forward to the most?
[11:40:21] Sakuya: Hm.... More friends!
[11:40:38] Dragily: Yay! :DDD
[11:40:42] Dragily: Friends ftw. ^~^

[11:40:56] Dragily: So...before we finish up, have you anything you want to say?
[11:41:23] Sakuya: Kongregate was one of the best things to happen since Runescape! XD
[11:41:41] Dragily: Huzzah!
[11:41:49] Dragily: Soso. That was intarview.
So yeah. That interview.
Hope you enjoyed whatever was there.
Hopefully I haven't scared you off too badly.
See you for the next post!


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